Numba JIT benchmark and example
This is an extended answer to a test question that made me test out the results afterwards.
Numba is an JIT compiler for a subset of Python and Numpy that allows boosting the execution of some phython functions.
To try out how much performance improvement is possible, I compared a simple mathematical function with the same function, but prepended with the @njit
decorator, that instructs numpy to compile the function the first time it has been executed.
Afterwards I run the function with to , record the timing and plot it with Matplotlib.
As one can see above with the compiled function (orange) is 100 times slower than a normal execution (blue) because the compilation on the first function call takes about . But if we ignore the time of the first compilation (because the function is already compiled), then the JIT-compiled function (green) is always 100 times faster than a normal python function.
from time import time
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from numba import njit
def testfunction(v):
n = 0
for i in range(v.shape[0]):
if v[i, 0] * v[i, 0] + v[i, 1] * v[i, 1] + v[i, 2] * v[i, 2] < 1:
n += 1
return n / v.shape[0]
def testfunction_jit(v):
n = 0
for i in range(v.shape[0]):
if v[i, 0] * v[i, 0] + v[i, 1] * v[i, 1] + v[i, 2] * v[i, 2] < 1:
n += 1
return n / v.shape[0]
normal = []
mit_jit = []
mit_jit_compiled = []
ns = []
testfunction_jit(numpy.random.rand(3, 3)) # precompile
for i in range(6, 16):
n = int(10 ** (i / 2))
x = numpy.random.rand(n, 3)
start = time()
result = testfunction(x)
end = time()
normal.append(end - start)
print(result * 6)
start = time()
result = testfunction_jit(x)
end = time()
mit_jit.append(end - start)
start = time()
result = testfunction_jit(x)
end = time()
mit_jit_compiled.append(end - start)
print(result * 6)
my_dpi = 80
plt.figure(figsize=(1000 / my_dpi, 500 / my_dpi), dpi=my_dpi)
plt.loglog(ns, normal, label="normal")
plt.loglog(ns, mit_jit, label="jit recompiled every time")
plt.loglog(ns, mit_jit_compiled, label="jit already compiled")
plt.savefig('my_fig.png', dpi=my_dpi)