Measuring Environmental Data with the Raspberry Pi
In 2014 in a project lasting many months I tried to connect as many sensors (temperature, humidity, air pressure, air quality) as possible to a Raspberry Pi hanging in the class room. The data is saved and displayed live on a display and a website. The website also shows historical data.
A copy of this site with more details on the project can still be found on
In July 2014 I presented the project in front of a jury in the final of the computer creative contest by the Austrian Computer Society and won the first place in my age group.
On October 6. 2014 I had the chance to give a presentation in front of a workgroup at the IKT-Konvent, the annual meeting of all Austrian ISPs.
In the following months I wrote my Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit ("pre-scientific thesis"), which was 2015 for the first time a part of the Austrian high school finals, about this project.